Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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just different

Views: 419

From the birthing pains of creation ...

What ingenious devices we have employed

Which were made to purpose

Of the best materials we could find

Of what was either rare and unique

Or plentiful and cheap ...yet sturdy

Things often of great beauty and convenience

...valued highly by the prospective owners

By artistic individuals and craftsmen

Making every effort to make it last

Although, the idea was to be duplicated

Built for a lifetime commitment to a task

Each creation made a one of

Perhaps even passed down as a gift

To drift revered through generations

As a sign of love and of respect

But somewhere along the way

Some knockoffs were made to last a day

To be throw away rather than kept

Profit became a motivation to deliver

Faster, cheaper ...if lost, then no regrets

We were transformed and came to be

A disposable society and soon resigned to

The appearance of finery ...made cheap

Enough for all toss away

At the end of the day

It may be what comes to be

Until we no longer care

Used to everything coming fast...

Till our plastic lives are so full of trash

And our sad excuses for living pile up so deep

We fall into the ocean of our garbage

And we drown


Perhaps 10,000 years later

When nobody is left ...hanging around

Life will get a new spark

...become new again

And follow natures plan

This time

Someday further along perhaps ...

The ancient bones of our extinct culture

will be discovered by an advanced alien race

An autopsy will be performed ...upon our civilization

Our dirty secrets will be uncovered

Perhaps the question will be asked

Why such gross excesses in materials ...had been allowed

In every facet of their lives

Then they will know the truth about

Why we didn’t last

We consumed our world out of existence

Even when ...undoubtedly the cues were obvious

We possessed sufficient intellect know

What was happening all around ourselves

But were afraid or to lazy to ask

...everyone to stop

Wasting our lives

With things

that will not

... last



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mrmelody7 says:

What is life but mystery if you really get down to it all you could easily go crazy tryin to figure it out

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Charles2 says:

we used to make more permanent things, tools and even toys. now everything is transitory. throw away society

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