Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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...the need


just different

Views: 363

How is it recently, more increasingly

...the possibility of helping people

Who find themselves dire need

Becomes mired in political intrigue

Inquiring minds are being redirected

Away from the human dimensions

Into intellectual forums of dubious intent

...or questionable validity

Religious philosophy,

Factored into the equation



 With all sincerity

We observe

The migration

Of people

In terms of


To a charity policy...

Or even

National security...

People in need ...find their plea

Falling on deaf ears ...despite the obvious

Intentionally induced unprovoked ethnic cleansing

Deliberately targeted pain and suffering,

Enduring hardship and tears

What is tied somehow economic necessity of the wealthy

 Upon strategically positioned unfortunates

Who now find themselves

Ripped from the familiar place

They have been placed in

Wrap your Jesus heart

 Around your Buddha mind

Seek out the anwers

...ones you desire to find

What you believe to be

 …peaceful and kind

Or at least madness

 That’s more defined




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mrmelody7 says:

one to mediate and reflect upon

mrmelody7 says:

one to meditate and reflect on

poems by this commentor

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Charles2 says:


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