Tmartin The Poet! | Poetry Vibe
Tmartin The Poet!
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25800
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Never give up!



Views: 331
I'm high stepping high spirited I'm like a angel floating through the clouds strong minded high tech capabilities I'm high toned people listen my words can be high powered if I ever made it to be famous never will I act high class cause I started with a penny this world is high priced money is what we're chasing high rollers they like to gamble every penny the rich is hi fiving living the high life the poor is fighting hunger pains praying for better days putting there babies in high chairs feeding them watever they can afford life is like the high seas it's hard to survive my nerves is rising like a high tide but still im high stepping following my dreams cause a young man haves a high style with dreams of walking through highlands owning my own land like im a highlander doing the high land fling!

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mrmelody7 says:

Keep at it Brother Man nice write and thoughts
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

great thoughts, dialog and a damn good story

Tmartin The Poet! says:

Thank you !

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