Poetic08' | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13400
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lightness in the dark
It good see a few of old poet still producing beautiful work, keep it Kings

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Collaboration of Souls



Views: 426

A vision not yet...seeing as two soul unfold , testing that which bound them , a passion in search of it likeness....as our soul become an evolution , everything within our vision take place , as we push ourselves beyond our normal boundaries......we finding that we're a natural collaboration of souls:


Collaboration of Souls, as our voice become silent only to that of our actions we realize that there a unique force between us that can't be explain , as land is to water, you and i are a complete , collaboration of souls.



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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

wisdom speaks in this piece... can sense a reaching of goals, exploring boundaries to find what new wonders exist there. between one dream and the next.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight description of ONE (at least that is my interpretation)...thanks for sharing!

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