miss_chaniel | Poetry Vibe
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first and last love


first love

Views: 318

The promise
The hope

The excitement of
Being in love

The one that stays
The one that follows you
To erase your footprints
So you dont have to run back

The melody that translates
To heart beating whispers

The revived after fights
To spring sunshine and caring

The martial status change
To heavy metal ring

The beautiful
The loving
The provocative thoughts of sight of love

The seasoning
Delicious anticipate perfect

The beginning with no ending
          Eternal love

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

seems magical... very well put together. for most of us, love isn't always so nice and easy, much less perfect. it seems for most to be a mutual respect for a whole lot of work before and even more after. i hope and pray that everyone who knows what they want and is willing to do the work and appreciate the small things that really matter, will find the right person to share the dream and work hard to obtain it together. .

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