Looking for it
Praying for it
Willing to stay
Over looking the flaws the wrongs and disrespect because of the loose, unappreciative, *** love, young girl you were
Being blind to the bull
Letting all his *** ups go
Because of how you behaved in your younger years you feel you deserve this treatment
How much of your pride, self-worth, self-love, your confidence?
How much are willing to give away to a useless disrespectful to prove your loyalty, sincerity and your not that useless, loose, disrespectful chick you once were.
I see you and I hope and pray you see
Before you can show anyone who you've grown to be
You must prove to yourself you have grown, matured, learned from, are better than that stupid blind girl you used to be
Love yourself from mistakes to accomplishments appreciate your dirty past
Accept you then and now
Believe me a real man will come along and love the ho,liar schemer you used to be because you both know the old you showed the new you the woman you have grown and struggled to be