Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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behind ...the ghost curtain


just different

Views: 340

Twin spirits meet ...standing before the icy gates

Ghostly images soldiers walking through mists

Hovering indeterminately between life and death no more

Look past their broken bodies ...frozen in disbelief

No longer concerned about ...the why/the pain/the cost

Life had crash landed ...shot down to the ground

Battle of life lost ...but the enemy died too

Having freshly leapt from the corpse...

The spirits high-five brothers do

they went down the way they lived 

In a hail of bullets ...till each of them fell dead

Kept firing until each of their bodies had their fill of lead 

Echoes of shots still ringing in their heads

Called it in street lingo ...old school

Replay their lives through intention

Since there is nowhere

...left to run...

Stuck in the loop

...beyond intervention

Some seeking vengeance

...scream defiance

Unwilling to concede the inevitable

Others seeking solace ...pray

Hoping to make loose ends

The rest still caught up in the day

Retrace ...every moment

along the way

Questioning ...each one

Except their last

...when life and death collided

When the curtain closes

Rise back through space

To meet the sun




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