CdavisL100 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 271

My art needs to be refined

They advise
that my talents could bode well
for those ambitions of mine

If you’d follow common trends
You’d attain more friends
If you’d ditch irregular subjects for ordinary concepts
More would grace your galleries on weekends

A common pattern, pick a common shape

Then I'd be accepted
and socially enshrined in no time

Just follow the rules
Just try to color a little more inside the lines

Well *** a pattern, *** a shape

Yeah I could *** traditional
but I’d rather make love unconventional

Why would I paint a square
when my hands are so lyrical

Triangles and circles

C’mon why you teach us to reach typical

They say he has an ego
He just portrays what he wants
Truth is I’m offering more to the people

You simply give it all and I provoke them to depict sequels

I’d like to take a blow torch
filled with the most unusually unknown and burn down
what you think of as artwork

Your acceptance I’ll politely decline

I'm just too damn abstract out my mind

Christopher L. Davis

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