2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 489

This  lonely  love,  unrealized,  2b  mistaken  as  forsaken

My  eyes  seek  out  where  truth  fully  resides,  to  greet  mines’

Believing  it  2b,  somewhere  outside,  in  out  of  the  blue  skies

Strolls  in  the  dark,  hoping  for  sunrise,  shared  in  warm  hearts

Blessed  by  attraction…..in  lust  and  lies,  hides  my  rise  in  desire

Despising  attachment,  never  ever  to  realize  its  calling  firmament

Why(s)  are  met,  with  part-time  solutions,  sinking  fast  in  dissolutions

Co-mingling  along  with  low  frequency  confusion,  drowning  passion  with  blues

Mirages  meet  me  on  horizons  of  fruitless   forays,  challenging  me  to  stop  and  play

Never  giving  up  on  that  one  power  that  sustains   my  deepest,  all  encompassing wish…..

For  in  this  rift,  spiritual  hands  raise  up  and  steady  my  eternal  drift  amiss,  away  from  bliss

This  kiss  placed  strategic  between  my  divine  eye,  yet  penetrating  my  mind,  by  design

Refined  by  a  heart  allowed  to  guide  my  discernment  deep  within,  timed  rhythmically

Encompassing  all  that  defines  my  blindness  to  already  promised  victory…..commanding  me….

To  Love  Myself  more  fully  guarantees  a   Love  that  attaches  will  be  my  ONE  and  ONLY…..LOVE


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

scary ride. love is nothing to play with, but you are dead-on with loving yourself being the key to it all...

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LP45 says:

Absolutely stunning 2b, I enjoyed this so much I had to read it again. A powerful write my friend. Thank you for sharing.
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

It's funny how people tout the "Golden Rule" yet ignore that its foundation is LOVE OF SELF. Great reminder that it begins within.

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mrmelody7 says:

right on with the write on Love Man 2bsure

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Always foremost...me thinks....thanks Charles2.....ONE
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Glad you liked Ladypoet45....Namaste

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Indeed hymnagen, must always hold this truth close...me thinks....ONE
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks mrmelody7....ONE

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