Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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we ...go



Views: 303

We ...go

We spread our wings rapid staccato

Swiftly pouring our souls ...directly to great heights

Take flight ...with our bodies and spirits inclined

To soaring arcs ...suspended in the matrix of space and time

 Turn quickly while we climb ...hoping to attain greater height

Consistent with the distance we intend to displace

Spirits racing ever more quickly to reach its blinding pace

From the heart …more than the minds as we embrace

How is this so …we have come to this

To gain this lofty role together

When it’s never individualistically

Been our position to …surrender

The freedom to express our innermost condition

To the world…not shy perhaps reserved …a better word

To describe the why shielding of intention seemed so desirable

Until we faced off, took the gloves off …went into the attack

More to distract than harm …disarm, discourage, ward off   

Any unsuitable suitors, not of pure intention

Was this to be our defensive strategy

Our intensity grew stronger by the moment

And in an instant …we touched hearts

Attained critical mass …and did the dance

Our encounter exploded into romance

Exposed our souls to a new dimension

Beyond the realm …of happenstance

 Whence, not by chance …we went for it

We both became entranced

…and never looked back




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