Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 347

living in close proximity ...we live our lives

collective intelligence always in play 

moving everywhere between

finding our sustainence 

trying to stay close 

knowing safety 

is in numbers 

many eyes 

are watching 

always, for danger 

with our many minds 

looking to see ...advantage

where the food is available, provided,  

when predators approach we fight it united

proving that a group has a mighty voice 

while alone we are too vulnerable

time to do everything needed 

becomes a great liability

disrupting the life 


making it 

a living hell... until

we learn to get what we need 

a learning curve made more critical ...when 

having to fend off enemies, protecting the sources

upon that in which we need... to life

survival begins, by protecting 

one another... 

potentially sharing of 

our resources 

and our love...

understanding our 


as our weaknesses 

until we integrate ...our strengths 

to become greater than possible, alone 

even the animals know that's how life is 

funny how it has become ...more 

pretending we are stronger 

or better off 

































ever watchful 





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