ICanSeenow | Poetry Vibe
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And then there was you...



Views: 378

Feeling the sting from my hair lashing my face from the strong gust of wind blowing behind me.

Saying it was easy for me to be at this point takes away the scars attained on my way.

Appearing in the distance, a funnel developing in the sky.

As the rain begin to strike my face, I'm engulf with a determined determination knowing, this storm shall meet my footprints as well.

With each stride, each muscle inside me strains giving there all to push me to my destiny.

Transforming from rain drops to loud pops because the hail wants to be heard.

The pain is so unbearably, bearable, with each strike that lands home.

My determination will not be doused because of this moment of temporary suffering.

I'll keep stepping, I'll keep striving, and the pain is a reminder to remember why I started.

Hurricane behind me, Tornado is before me...

And then there was you.

The eye of my storm.

As I look at you, you looking at me.

Not cognizant that there’s no rain with you.

There’s no hail.

No wind.

No suffering.

Mentally set up, only not to be set back again,

I decided to close my eyes.

Acustomed to the mirage of "almost".

"The potential to be."

"We could if you just..."

My heart rate is something that of a NASCAR speed.

Only because you’re real.

Your here.

You’re not a figment of my imagination.

Under the impression that the journey to my destiny would be like that of a star.

Dark, Bright, and lonely.

To be admired from a far.

But your here.

Found only in the center of a storm.

With eyes of one that could see in pure form.

To be continued…

I’m resting in the eye of the storm.


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