KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 162500
contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Straight A's



Views: 497

An ant authorized affirmative action against Adam after Amanda ate Atoms apple, arguing after accidentally accusing Authur about aiming around Ashley's Assets. Antoine asked Anita again at Africa's area according accusations. Austin answered absolutely awakened. Another afraid Arabian around Atlantic's atmosphere argued astronomy. August ascended apart allegiance aided Ali's almighty apostle, analyzed astounding angels. Another amazing accomplishment, always appear anointed, appreciated annually. Auvoir... King Qadar Dwon'

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

An amazing alliteration! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you sir!! You're greatly appreciated!!!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

absolutely awesome
Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you Sir Charles.. Always appreciate your feedback l!!

twistedbeauty says:

i want to do a poem like this. very nice and creative

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Go for it! I have done all E's also.... My mind is just always wandering... Go check out all E's

DallasCowgirl says:

Amazingly artistic! I love this. Peeped the story line, also. Do all S's.


poeticsoul says:

This is so dope!!!!!

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