Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 323


Like raindrops falling

In slow motion, in suspension

Crying  why, oh why did you

…have to leave me? Lonely

Lit by the myriad reflections of 10 billion suns,

Yes all because we are mirrors, because the one

And everyone are only one.  Yes, molecules

And bits of nondescript matter which comprise the bodies

Of our evolving form are just like bubbles being born...

To only drift away and be, as the soul desires

To achieve life, once more...  Is like skipping a stone

On the bottom side of the water... Impossible,

You say, but here we are relatives

Of as many spawns of united sperm and eggs...

A bit of luck, a prayer... For some, more

Or less an accident between a man and woman...

A soft explosion between some ooze and goo

Squeezed from two sets of

Somewhat related orgasmic convulsions

During a double-dutch of love emotion

Between two sets

Of arms and


Why not between two women

Got sperm?

Why not between two men

Got eggs?


By the creative powers that be

Why does it seem

We can’t seem to tell the difference

Between recreational activity

Of life…and liberty…

In the pursuit …of a little bit

Of love and happiness



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