Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Ups ...and downs


just different

Views: 300

As we work through the clouds

Of possibilities

Unsure of what next we'll see 

...that the source of our believing

Are based upon principles

That are sound.

Wind chimes and candles

Dance with the slightest breeze,

But you and i

Are led by deeper currents

Through which we dwell

To glean the nature of the beast

Comparing signs …within our minds

Led in our due course…

To seek our souls release

Some having mentors to help provide

Guidance in the process …as we proceed

With expanding in our potentials

Finding …in our


 Instructions in+part, designs

A plan engrained

Inherent templates

By which

Our minds

Call to us


We rise and fall,

Together …and apart

Exploring through our views

Questioning, our part  

Feed strengths…

In our emotions

 As we make greater gains 

We follow a path

Exercise and learn

In turn are trained…

For strength and endurance

And let sail our emotions

Taking us far and wide,

Gathering experience

As we let our best intentions guide us

Willfully to embark upon a journey

Into the realm of loving…

In effect …we take our freedom   

To surrender to a creative power

Rooted in us all,







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