Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 288

Have you ever wondered...

chanced to ask your self


how many natural herbs and spices 

people of the earth ...use

if, first we allow

our minds to wander 

 what we had to do to get here 

how many people had to suffer 

through the experience 

for us to e free 

to choose 

past the mistakes 

even through today 

the ones that "science makes" 


Now there are elders,

there are books...

medicine men and women 

those who have learned 

to mix and blend flavors 

expertly(the cooks)

mamas and papas 

who feed the babies 

those men who try to please their ladies 

with a gift 

so sumptious 

they look past the expensive gifts 

and taste exotic fruits 

not the artificial substitutes...

the real thing... 

there are so many we can choose 

plant the trees and grow them 

if we live where they can 

be coaxed to produce the fruits

of our desires 

we can even place them in the fire 

and make 

jellies and jams 

cakes and pies 

wonderful desserts 

what nature provides 

even has nutritional 

if not medicinal value 

put away the substitutes 

...while they are fresh and good 

in all seasons

enjoy fruits 



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