Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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Old Fashion



Views: 192

U C the ways of believing in the righteousness,

Created by a council of indigenous,

Cold as their world arrives,

How they got there in fall and rise,

Now U learn the vocabulary of their block,

Killing to make meet of the crown in stock,

Weeks go by plain and simple,

Months get led by colored people,

C how they promised U love if U spoke the language,

Desolate it was before U were tainted,

They C me arriving from her reality,

Yet in the back of my mind is formality,

U expect me to seek evidently the blue,

That’s when she got paid for accepting U,

Past down from Mama 2 slaughter,

Leaving our true ancestors martyred,

U C me from the beginning,

Bless moved by the penny,

However coincidences are far apart,

Capitalizing on the finer things of heart,

Dragging the tragedy back to its roots,

Honoring the members that I salute,

It is Old Fashion that we end,

As blue makes it’s entry 2 sin.

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