Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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jesters lament


just different

Views: 334

Evil Alter Ego 
Twice A Liar 
prepare to meet your DOOM 
master of misery, meet your maker 
even the devil called you a liar, 

calling you 
a spawn of the spittoon 

and toilet talk 

married in the fire 
a bar room romeo 

who fell in love with his own reflection 
when reality called 

you screamed 
and just hung up, 

so amused, thinking 
this is all a joke,'re not 
(after all, your pet bandicoot still loves you) 

its just another bill 

you'll never be forced to pay 
still, its not connecting 

that reality check, has bounced 
dazed and confused, 

the assistance you've rejected 
was only love being expressed, 
one which 

you've refused acknowledgement of 
your conclusion 

in judgement being"No love, No loss" 
for you there'll be no waiting line, 
your end is obvious, even to you 
you just don't care 

what people think 
you believe in nothing 

not even in yourself 
you give new meaning 

to the term "selfless bastard" 
for you'll not be 

getting on the cross 

for any one 

you think it a waste of talent(yours) 
not that you have any good qualities 
(you do, more than you'd ever commit yourself to)

now, getting back to your quest 
you follow the teachings of the master of the craft
Don Quixote, you lead imaginary armies of the damned 
making the last... 

banzai charge, you lead yourself 
you cry foul, 

asking for another try 
you adopt 

a suave new look, 

a self styled placebo effect 
a self taught educated fool, 

never realizing 
you've been running scared, 
but its only 

your own shadow chasing you 
pride dripping out your nose, 

nobody's wiping 
hearing cheers and accolades, 
nobody else hears but you 
and you thinking it looks cool, 

salute yourself 
who'd you think you're fooling 
thought you paid your dues 
just because you thought you sang the blues 
but, in reality were 

only watching the news 
still laughing at other peoples failings 
their lost hopes 

they've been caught up 

in the dreams 
of life with a knight in, 

not so shining, 

...who's forgot about the karma... 
still suffering from a terminal case 

of self abuse 
trying to portray a god, but bleeding 
a being trapped within his human form 
lying face down in the street 
whew! the audacity flood is streaming 
further than common sense allows 
way beyond control 
as you look into the mirrors 
only to watch your self propelled baloons 
fireworks exploding 
with lots of ego being blown to smithereens 
with false bravado schemed 
living nightmares dreamed 
eagle beings, suffering 
falling from the skies in flames 
lost in delusions screaming 
as they realized you've clipped their wings 
shattering illusions, with no meaning 
caught and trapped in your own mind warp 
struck blind, perhaps even suffering 
battle fatigue comes to mind 
maybe even in the confusion 
calling out your name in anger, 
in a way so maddening 
gray matter shrapnel flying everywhere 
scattering in the dying echoes 
your fallen heroes, you crying 
breaking down amidst the lies 
with glass everywhere flying 
in this "room full of mirrors" 
(as Jimmie Hendrix plays) 
in your last refrain 
...hope you're not lying... 
living in vain is too much like dying 
your armor is of no use, now 
you've fallen in the pool 
what you describe sounds like 
someone's stewing in the juices, 
oozing out of their own brains 
even fools need love, yes being one myself 
i offer this expert advice to you 
being unloved, you're in a self imposed exile 
thinking the lie of isolation 

...makes you whole again 
the truth, banished from your brain 
still complaining about the love you lost 
all because you never even tried 
after the forces of your confusion, 
lose still another battle against reality 
so, you've throw away the crown 
and pawned away your jewels 
you just like the title anyway, 
don't you now, honestly? 
after all is said and done 
doesn't hero, rhyme with ego 
ergo a master of your craftiness 
over the graveyard of lost souls, you rule 
(alas, only because no one else wants to) 
what you aspire to as master jester 
hail, to short to hell with you 
signed your tragic majesty 
the king of fools





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