Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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blues ...traveler


just different

Views: 301

A fellow 
traveler this 
space ...and time 
tasting of love and life 
...just a passenger... 

On a love train 

Traveling blind through 

A hostile place... in prayer 

For the love of the Creator 

To bring us back earth 
With all of you in mind 
i've got a window seat 
on the love train... 
Which if you do not believe in life 
is the train to hell... 
Loving one another, saves us... 
Leads us to another place 
where we share our hopes and dreams 
...will you meet me there, my friend 
i am sure you will recognize 
all your true brothers and sisters 
in this space in time 
and in truth, you will be relieved 
of your burdens, for we will share 
our hopes and prayers, and you... 
Will kinda like the view 
looking to ...the heavens 
for a sign... 
Maybe even get the blues 
Moaning to the wind 
an ancient song... 
Doing ... A love dance 
with all of you in truth 
hoping, you will feel 
the same spark your heart 
true to love 
true to life 
trials will come and go 
sometimes we will fail the tests 
we get knocked down 
just when it seems 
...that all is lost 
our prayers are answered 
just as it seems all hope is lost 
in ...the darkest hour 
we escape destruction 
knowing, just 
what to do... 
one another 
a helping 




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