Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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jazz funeral


just different

Views: 305

Don't mean 
to rain on your parade 
but make that drink a double 
and jazz up the funeral a bit 
if you LIKE feeling bad 
it's your show and if that's the way 
you'd like to go 
without protest for the pain 
do you really, 
really...want to? 
Maybe so, 
but if we imagine how much fun 
we were having 
before we finally figured out 
that we didn't have a clue 
to what was going on, 
as compared to those 
who look at our bad days 
as a taste of heaven 
we might just realize 
that it wasn't so bad 
after all, we were the ones 
who let it go from bad to worse 
our fantasies may have been 
a bit overrated 
but if we stuck to it 
to the bitter end 
whose fault is that 
kamikaze love 
may pay the bills 
but selling your soul 
is not an option 
and before the last dance 
take a moment and say a prayer 
be thankful to be alive 
even though, sometimes life 
seems like it really sucks 
we still have time 
to get it right 
before we go 
down for the count 
at least we can do the mambo 
like we had it that way 
and knew it 
all the 



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