He came to the mundane, to take the blame and to take the shame
He took all of our pain
And all He asks is to call on His name.
And yet the pain and disdain
That we have created on this earthly plane.
Is too much for many to handle
So they go out of their minds, they go insane.
But yet He stays & remains
Consistent to the glory of His name.
He continues to proclaim.
To be saved, just believe on His name
But to also believe in the sacrifice that He made
For He gave himself up to be a slave
Willing to understand the sins that we crave.
But He gave up His divine title & name
To offer himself to feel SIN’s tidal wave.
That same wave could be used to raise us higher
To understand the power of the Lord King our sire!
And to help us change our thinking and desire
So He must refine us through many circumstantial fires.
And in the process of progress
We determine the lack of rest to be that us, He does detest!
But the fact is that He
Burns and scolds
So that His ultimate will and beauty can unfold
So that even the best that we have planned on our own.
Is nothing in comparison to the glory He has for us
When he comes back and takes us home.
For then and only then, shall we understand & see.
The glory in which He bestowed upon His blessed humanity.
For He came in the form of man
So that being a man he can better empathize & understand
Our daily pains & toils of every day labor.
And His consistency, is that
He still only asks
For us to believe in His name to be our lord & savior.