2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Understanding Family



Views: 538

Grasping  for  roots  unseen

Born  on  my  back,  acting  out  dreams

Procreating  sins,  visited  upon  others

Left  out  in  the  open,  for  me  to  uncover


Crawling  to  reach  for  my  brother

Who  knows  me  Not,  due  to  another  mother

Breathless  In  this  vicinity,  I  share  classes  in  destiny

Watching   die-cast  in  relation  to  per  chance,  penchant


Staring  off  unto  sleepless  night  skies,  where  unrelenting  tears  reside

A  love  figment  entertains  my  gaze  as  I  hold  its  glamour,  clasped  in shade

From out  of  soundless  cries,  my  heart  travels  to  distant  calls  for  help

Speeding  up  to  catch  flashes  of  light  needing  a  savior  projected  from  self


In  the  end,  we  all  fall  down,  one  by  one,  quite  casually  interred

As  where  I  once  walked,  cried,  laughed,  loved  are  most  certainly  forgotten

Until  the  daze  reacquaints  seekers  with  distant  relations,  seeming  reincarnated

That  is  how  I  have  come  to  Understand  (this  world)  Family…….

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Yep ...just like family. good read

mrmelody7 says:

We are family a very picturous write with those layers of vibrant words

LP45 says:

Great work my friend! Love the flow and imagery. I can definitely relate. Thank you for sharing.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks ALL.....ONE
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

bridging the gaps between pure ideas and well ordered and organized thoughts, directed by will and intention... in a manner which can be reasonably well understood by those who seek to study and enjoy, with both provocative and penetrating ideas is an art. You are an artist.

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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