SinaiXpressions | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 5900
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Just because my journey is different, doesn't mean I'm lost.

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  brigadier general
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Views: 318

Round and Round my repetitions carry pounds and pounds of weight on everyone who trys to sound on me.

All my ignorant negativity that braces the positivity I NEED. Why its my own breakthrough I dont see?

Oh stubborn me, "I dont need nobody, dont nobody need me, " I say.

Deaf to the beatings on my door. Passion and Hope want in, they pray.

That I'll come around to myself knowing freedom and joy one day.

For now, my repetition delays my benediction of woe and lonliness and oblivion

Oh me, snap out of my cycle thats trapping out my vitality. Round and around, not having heard a sound of love, joy or peace.

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