Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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the ...differential


just different

Views: 385

Do you believe …a course

Has in fact been laid out for you

There are those who would have you to follow

Something you cannot see, hear or feel…And call it God

In any number of manifestations,

Of named beings

Or not.

Welcome to the world of organized thought

The concept is an important step to comprehend

The next evolution of the spiritual beings we are.

What we are becoming …or will become

Given a higher math than what we can explain

After stumbling upon this path

Since whatever it is you may want to call it

That bring us to this point

How best might we preserve what progress we have made

Or even survive …on this runaway train

Granted this has been done before…

By every group of humans capable of

Focusing upon the thought

…Of reconciliation

…Between ourselves and the state

Of greater being

Which eludes us,





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