Jay Beach | Poetry Vibe
Jay Beach
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I Remember



Views: 315

I remember when I wanted you

Thought we could add other and become one but instead we divided because thefeeling wasnt being reciprocated

How silly was I to believe that a long steady friendship could be more than that

I was on the outsiide looking in, thinking we could be more but those in your inner circle knew that statement was far from fact

Cause while i was listening to soft melodic tunes that one day I would use to set the mood

It slipped my mind that Lucifer ruled over beats and instruments such as flutes

While I was thinking of a great future, you were doing the same

The F'ed up part that made me a lame was the fact that even though it came with a manual, i didnt automatically learn the game

But I knew everything would change and start to become strange after we had the talk about our lives together but you, you didnt want to take my last name

Picture that. Us being in each others picture but not sharing the same frame

Being on the same road, same destination, bags packed, different lanes

And I thought we could be more than friends

And for that reason, those chances came to an end

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Tali says:

Wow I love this poem

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