Just_Me_Kelee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 8300
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lightness in the dark
Ramblings of a slight maniac, heart of a hopeless romantic. Visions of a possible prophet, sometimes i feel that ive lost it

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Myself and I


just different

Views: 351

Im left alone in a room with myself.

I look at her as she stares back at me.

Staring intently into her eyes, I long to know wht she sees.

Is it self loathing or insecurities?

What is this emotion that torments me?

Is it anger? Is it unsatisfaction? Complete frustration? Or just a desire to be free?

I sit and stare sometimes allowing my mind to wonder... cutting its chains ... loosing it from reality ...

At that very moment, when im trapped within my own eyes ... the truth ogoling both of us.

I began to face the truth of my demise.

The sencerity of it pains my heart, as well as stirs my soul.

The knowledge alone makes me oddly weak, but to know that either way i have control intencifies my tenacity.

Dispondency pours from my heart and though its not a good feeling it makes its mark.

Motivates the both of us to continue our batter for better...

Against our insecurities, fears, and self doubt... 

To finially stop being our own worst enemy. 


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