When tears run out from crying
When my heart breaks from all of the lying
Shattered and crushed is my spirit
8 yrs we had put into this thing called marriage
8 yrs of joy&laughter, hurt&pain we could hardly bear it
8yrs 3 kids 2 conceptions
We had the perfect life, I guess that was my perception
8yrs been through debt,jail,hell
8yrs wasn't all a fairy tale
But I thought we had each other
I thought we would be forever
But my visions were obviously not yours
No matter how many times I spread my limbs and allowed my love for you to pour
No matter how many times I uttered "I love you" while receiving you
No matters how many plans we had for the future
No matter how many lessons life tried to teach us
You had to get a taste of the forbidden fruit
You had to put the Holy Ghost voice on mute
and give into temptation.
A few moments of sensation
A few seconds of lust
A few minutes to betray my trust
To throw 8 yrs into a nasty piece of rubber
To leave it on our dresser next to our picture
So the whole world could see What 8 yrs of marriage really mean
Explaining to the kids this is how it's gotta be
Because Daddy had to leave, he wanted to be free!!
I could use this and go into depression
I'm trying to figure it out, what is the lesson
I could allow this to lower my self esteem
Because the chick you chose to risk 8 yrs for
Must be better than me,your wife,it seems
I could allow this to make me bitter
Could threaten the chick ooo I just want to hit her
But I rather allow God to handle this
I rather let God fix this
I rather allow God to wipe my tears
Catch each one as I think about the 8 yrs
I rather He wipe my eyes
And tell me out of this I shall rise
"Just trust me daughter "I hear Him saying
"Keep reading your Word,fasting,and praying
Rebuking the enemy, devil slaying
Think how it's all going to work together for your good
Because daughter you are chosen, so it's all good"
I rather stay focused on my God on high
Because in Him I will RISE