Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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long distance

Views: 291
Once was alive with every touch you put upon my soft drak skin. making me want you more, more and more. Figthing you, to just feel your affectionate tender love. wondering do you hear my voice saying "I LOVE YOU" and i need your warm imbrace to keep me alive. Taking my time to keep you on pause, to move at my paste. With time knocking at my door to keep on time. Hear me out my passionate endless lovemy heart beat full speed.But it slows down when i don't have you to wrap around tight like a snake feast.

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Ak Rio says:

whoa this is mad deep and captivating niice wriite

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Te'ArraPoetry says:

Thanks man!

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