WhiteThePoet | Poetry Vibe
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Been missing in action poetry fam- so hello to everyone! Can you please go check out my poems on YouTube? Poetry w/ music. A must hear - here's the links https://youtu.be/K5PQXyR2ouU

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Fighting hurt



Views: 346

I'm hurting so bad
If only they could really see that I'm broken and sad
If only they knew about the hurt that I carry
Only then would they know how my thoughts have become scary
I'm scared of failing and taking a lost 
Therefore I pretend as if I've won at any and all cost
See this life that I live is filled with both highs and lows
Disappointments, failures and half met goals
That's right I put on a fake smile
Which only means in most cases that my hurt accompanies a smiling crowd
A true false sense of happiness, if only they knew how much I cant handle this
This thing that we call life
A thing that tells you daily that everything is going to be alright
A false hope that deceives us by telling us to never give up just cope
Be optimistic for a better tomorrow despite having to deal with today's sorrow
So I try to stay strong even though deep inside I know that my life feels all wrong
I often wonder about what happen to my aspirations to be great and what happen to the promised prosperity as I continue to age closer to my final date.
I often wonder should I fold and given  in to a world that's all so cold.
Forfeit and declare defeat or should I maintain a determination that keeps me grounded on my feet? 
Should I reach for the white flag or should I reach deep down with-in and find that very last ounce of fight that's hidden inside... 

Fight on for My victory awaits yea I'm just going to fight on until Ive arrived at that better place



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Contest Winner  

Te'ArraPoetry says:

You write with your heart in it, that's what poetry is all about. Love this poem.! ;)

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WhiteThePoet says:

Thank you! Appreciate the feedback..

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WhiteThePoet says:

Thank you! Appreciate the feedback..

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jnikic5 says:

i love your flow...and this poem, i can relate all too well

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WhiteThePoet says:

Thanks jniki5 appreciate the read...

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