i want to be petty just like you
drag your name up and down the street like you do me expect the things that i say will be true
i want to feel as important as you think you are by ripping you a new one
i want to physically beat the sh!+ out of you for all the times you paraded around thinking no one can take you
this is the last straw you will never hear or see me again
i cannot control anyones actions expect my own and i had nothing to do with the events that took place that day
but you dont give a damn
just like D didnt give a damn about what you had to say
its funny because you say youre nothing like her all i can see is mirroring images of one another in your actions
when she hurts you
you turn around and hurt someone close to you
you'll never change
all that God sh!+ you speak you need to give it up
youre the fu(king devil and there is no hiding that
im not worried
karma will take care of you
i hope your ready