Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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Bad Girl


just different

Views: 336

My kiss is lethal My touch is dangerous leave you shook up. I'm your addiction take your pill feel that monster creeping up.? Leaving you speechless chocking on all your words. Bad girl is all she heard growning up in the street. Body so perfect girls her age get affendent. She walk like a lion caughting prey. Can't tell her nothing she do things her way. She walk the walk, she talk the talk she's a bad girl that's wepean. Eyes are her bullets she kill you with silents. She bad and her moto is make them BOW DOWN i'm that beast that want the meat so I'm here to take you down. Bad girl Bad girl you're not to lived twice you're a bad girl and they live in pain.

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