ToothPick3 | Poetry Vibe
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Still on it wit the Pens Work

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The Calling


just different

Views: 437
(Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord) Look somebody had to survive Dear God why Do I have take one side Miss out on chances Of holding down my eyes Tears fall most likely Over the silent cries Cause pops won't never there Like he was suppose too Protect me like a man should But instead I wasn't his Happiness to pursuit Life is what it is As good as it could get Follow your heart Is where you better left off Upgrade that flip phone Touchscreen on unlimited At the moment Foundations help those Who are still waiting in patience The pain still hurts you When the GPS Loses your location Frustration builds up When dealing with papers For that education Spending money now Got coins calculating up On them expensive reservations Problems happen to people Who don't even get to see it Blinded by the enemy known as friends Got you on your knees defeated By test results leave false fathers With broken hearts Got them on the bus like Rosa Parks This is just an Opening Of what the real world is Never forget your calling or you end up Can't get out the game like The Wiz

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Ak rio says:

Deep and captivating nice write

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