mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 247200
contest winner
I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Subtleties Of Quiet



Views: 589

Time away walking

the nature trail

Lookin at the waves comin

into the lake

Skyward watch the vultures

ride the wind gracefully sail

These moments of quiet time

one with nature

Thoughts from A 2 Z  flash

come and go

As I walk the trail

easy and slow

the mind gets unclutttered

a thought and problems

solved that    quick

Lots of mental stuff acomplished

on these subtle nature trips


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Nice scene!

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you do it five times a week up and down two separate trails I do, all for the good of the PTSD and good exercise 2
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Mountain biking is my escape so I can definitely relate. Well done

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you hymnagen, got a mountain bike been a couple of years since I been on it, nothing like keepin the body in motion

Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours...Nothing like the joy of nature, and appreciating its poetry.....

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mrmelody7 says:

Yes its like takin a post card photo thank you much

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