"Free at last thought" Georgie after the verdict of when he blasted the kid's life away, Zimmerman knocked one out the park into the sky & the white guys's wife with the gravel let him saddle up & go home to his family they even gave his Glock back but what about trayvon's family? they can't rewind the clock of time instead they can only reminisce on the child that life was robbed from them. Yet Georgie escapes in his car in the sunshine state smiling through the crowd untouched by the odd stares of the true judges of society his peers. Emmit Tills killers got away & Zimmerman cracked a smile on the stand once & still got away. Yet if A minority even get caught with even a half ounce of Narcotics He's going to jail. Hail To the judicial system the whips & chains still exist except the slight twist it's buried in our membrane's. George Zimmerman had a glass booth around him from the start & the bullets of "justice" were blanks to begin with. It's never fun when the rabbit has the gun but when is the rabbit going to get the gun? We the people need to quit allowing the standards of society be acceptable it Aint black or white we as a people must unite or life as we know it is ruined