Cognitive dissonance is the resistance that maintains the distance between equality of humanity.
Slavery is still alive and free-flowing; it keeps growing and sewing seeds for continued generations of greed, while we continue to suffer, pray, have faith, hope, then repeat.
Labeled 2/5 of a man, claiming you can't possibly rape a black woman to reconcile and condition yourself to maintain the upper hand.
Wealth accumulated, while our mentality deteriorated from having our souls segregated, was a plan that was purposely perpetuated.
Ebony girls and women forcefully taken as slaves and still sought out and bought out by the same men today on polluted streets that were paved by the legacy of the enslaved.
My people prostituted by laws for generations with no pause.
Respect and dignity stripped like flesh and meat from the bone. They even claimed it was a mental illness for a slave to run away from home.
Houses of horrors filled with soul destroyers for hundreds of years, while calling us lazy, and crazy. Yet the fact that ya'll ain't built nothing ain't supposed to faze me?
A continued evolution of the same institution of hatred and inhumane treatment for easement was devil's greatest achievement.
While hope is still sought today, hope ain't never freed no slave.