It seems it’s not enough
that a sister or brother,
or father of mother,
are daily plucked like useless stuff
from the land of the living…
that we continue to engage
in vicious crimes against each other;
destroying our community’s rise—
smothering rather than giving.
Why, my brothers and sisters who are black,
have we gone back with such rage,
that we no longer seem to have each other’s back?
We need to see and understand
the renewed self destruct plan
of today’s modern day clan:
to once again allow the unaware angry black man
to debase his woman and kill his fellow black man.
The mirror images of black lives being taken by fellow blacks,
have become shrewdly skewed.
Brothers and sisters have been brainwashed in their tracks;
unaware—cleverly screwed.
That black lives matter—must be directed upon us too!
Defeating oppression, no matter the hue, must be our constant care.
We must also stop the self destruction daily heaped upon me and you;
or we’ll never overcome the dichotomous dilemma we are forced to bare.
Yes, the duality of our situation has become a crying shame.
We must get it all together or only have ourselves to blame.