Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Sea of Eternity



Views: 442

I’ve already been blinded
The truth, I never did find it
Thought that through the many fights I’ve fought
The facts and truth that I sought

Only brought me bouts of isolation
Internal desecration
Created my own psychological legislation to make rule of thumb
But in the process my heart & soul got numb.

I’m tired of everything getting more complicated
No reason to be educated
If you can’t use the education to handle real life situations
Wish I could disappear into thin air
Become a part of everywhere & yet be a part of nowhere
Sometimes feels like no one does care
Pain doesn’t seem to want to get out of my hair
Going through bouts of hate and the anger does every now and then flare
Only writing so I can try not allow the hate to spread
Letting the angry voices in my head
Bring me down
Causing me to cry & frown
And in my own sorrow I will drown.

Wish I had the power to release the pain and let it drown in the sea of loneliness
But the pain is escalating
Slowly drowning me with the lack of air passing through
I have come to conclude
I no longer know what to do…
.. but possibly give in to the sea of eternity
Where that may be
The only place
In which I will ever truly be free!


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