edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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Two Rhym3.


just different

Views: 352
Rather be pissed off than pissed on. Only way you can catch up is if you have your Nike shoes on. Running this like a breast cancer marathon. More like Pac Man, not like the Legacy of Tron. More like a crook stirring up a new con. President of the Rap Game, boots strapped on. Find a girl with a nice back yard, then offer to mow her lawn. Rather be an idiot than a moron. Rather be a pro than another con. While you morn I become number one. This life always has me on the run. Racing, but will never know if I won. Rather be last to all than last to none. Just a knife not even a trace of fun. Entered thinking, but thinking lead to to the wrong side of the gun. Who decided to put poppy seed on a bun? Look at this bull we been through and done. I pray to the lord but still have to pay the nun. This
Life is never lost but is clearly never won.

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