prettygirl23 | Poetry Vibe
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Think about it, write it down, and then share it with the world. Poetry is a way of expressing yourself. Poetry is my way of allowing everyone the opportunity of hearing my voice. Let It Out!

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Silenced No Longer


just different

Views: 312

I was only nine when he made me a woman. I tried to speak, but my voice was soft spoken. Tell me how to stop him from claiming my husband's prize. Do you think at any time that he noticed my eyes?

Help me understand why he continued this abuse for many more years. I mean can't you tell? I'm tired of crying the same tears. Let me tell you that this is not just another rape poem no, no, no you see this is my story. 

There once was a time when I used to be a social butterfly, but everytime I hear the words rape, molest I get silent please tell me why. Keeping silent is something that I can no longer do. Even though I started a long time ago I began to pray for you, and I pray that God has mercy on you. 

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The Immortal Wize says:

I am not one, to be at a lost for words, this poem left me speechless and somewhat breathless, you are screaming in the face of demons and shutting them down. I'm a fan

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jabezdorsett says:


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