beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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"Our Boldness Given"



Views: 372

“Our Boldness Given”

I am equipped with all my weapons of war against the enemy I will destroy.

I have my spear, and a golden shield, and when satan strikes I have no fear.

I know the God of Israel has my back, and I will not be harmed by any enemy attacks.

My sword is my Bible, and my spear is my faith, and all shall know that my battle is won, and satan is back in his firey lake.

This is your power; to grow in your faith, to give God the glory, and he gives us peace in his names’ sake.

WE can’t wait until morning, for time keeps moving on

Be bold in your Godly power, you are not in this battle alone.

He will answer when we call, and know the needs of us all.

He can make us bold, and fearless with brazen muscles of strength to be
confident that our refuge is in the heavenly mist.

The righteous are bold, like the tribe of Judah ,we are vicious as a lion.
“Shout out to the mountains”, sing out tidings of cheer.

Be Bold, Be Bold, go forth like mighty warriors.
For our Lord is always near.

bjones/be faithful

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