WhiteThePoet | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3200
contest winner
Been missing in action poetry fam- so hello to everyone! Can you please go check out my poems on YouTube? Poetry w/ music. A must hear - here's the links https://youtu.be/K5PQXyR2ouU

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Total poems - 365 days   2
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Hidden Pain



Views: 329

Your voice belongs to pain 
You conversations are at best pointless and offer little to gain

You've become a master of hiding hurt & you flirt with any ears that have mistakenly tuned in to your over exaggerated works

You're always willing to put on a show to an audience that paid no admittance fee; glorified self-adsorbed stories for absolutely free

Delusions of grandeur, self-impressed by manufactured lies & in the midst of all the who, what, when, where's & why's
The real question still remains, and that is, where does your true happiness lie

See we can see right through your bluff & we often wonder when will enough be enough?

Are you not tired yet, of communicating a over load of gibberish dialect

Because gibberish talk is all we can hear
A bunch of nonsense perpetuated by a hidden fear

A fear of silent thoughts, that somehow helps reveal a truthfulness that was unsought 

The true "who am I" question
Followed by "I don't really know" 
So in silence you're left still guessing 

Guessing about a identity that went astray, lost in a world that's designed to take self away

So many are afraid to accept inner- self therefore they've become content with fronting by means of talking to dern much, in hopes of hiding a sad & depressed existence.  











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