beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Views: 398

These dailey affirmations I say each day , to keep me strong , in my faith commitments  with fierce conviction

that his promises are true.  I truly suggest that you embrace them too.

I will be at peace in spite of the circumstances to endure, and have joy

I will have hope in the mist of life's storms

I am grateful for the life God has given me regardless of the day to day complications that may confront


I know that God is working in my life for all that is good for me

When there is chaos ,and confusion around me , I will sing a song of praise that will bring  joyand peace to my heart.

I will spend quality time with the Lord today, life is never to busy rejoice in his presence in prayer

 "The joy of the Lord is my strength."



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