Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 15800
contest winner 1
contest winner
I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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I Can't Fathom



Views: 236
Walking with a wool over our eyes, see nothing but what we think is a beautiful sight. What we think is quite all right for our innocent visions that feel equal. Deep down it's miserable, if you can't understand my heart then you're not one of a kind. so wash away that foam blocking you're intuition I was built to nurturer and love endlessly. I can't fathom how you treat my people poorly then yours. I'm here to stand tall for voices that has no pitch; keep believing cause this journey isn't at it's peace yet. So as I going on in life remembering! black people is a force, of powerful strenght and Inspiration, now that I can fathom...

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