DelegantOne | Poetry Vibe
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stiletto blues



Views: 257

I walked to that corner where 

music played matcher maker with our footsteps

and you placed a magnolia in my hair. 

I walked back there-

where we first locked eyes, 

kissed, held hands, and laughed

like high school sweethearts.

I walked there. 


After I stood in a full length mirror 

wearing pride on my chest,

I welcomed a stride of seduction---

drew circles in confidence and hugged my curves.

I even introduced my lips to a new color, 

loosened up the curls of my hair, 

and laced my hips in a black peplum dress.

I walked there---out of my home of lilac scent

with my guard glued to my bronze skin.

With no chin kissing shoulder,

I paid condolences to this

once upon of time love---

permitting it to rest in peace




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