tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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Drowning inside


Views: 273

So much agony and pain that I am feeling inside of me
I have all this misery I just want it to get out of my body and be free
All this heartache and mixed emotions is killing me
I have to stand up and feel like an angel with wings sent from up above 
Searching for love
At times I want to be through with love
But I know my love is still strong
And I want someone to love me even if I am wrong
In my mind all man are the same
They want a thick girl with a big butt and I don't have that 
Now I feel like an outsider 
I don't feel noticed
I feel invisible in the inside and out without a doubt
I noticed certain men don't want to know a girl for who she is, but what she has to offer
I'm "Drowning Inside" and can't rise to the surface
I know I'm not perfect
I don't want these guys that don't treat a girl right
I'm looking for that right type 
I want someone to tell me I'm beautiful and mean it
I need a man that do what he say he gonna do 
I want to smile 
But "I'm Drowning Inside" 

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