tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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Wrong path



Views: 262


For many years and years
Chosed the wrong path thinking it was the right thing to do but it wasn't
All of a sudden I realized the regrets and mistakes I made giving my body my temple away to any guy that came my way
A stressed, confused young woman trapped
In a spiral of doubts is how I felt one time in my life I let the enemy run me off course but I'm back on track
Now in the new year I learned from my mistakes
And changing my life in a new positive way
I repent in an extraordinary turn for God
I'm loving my pride even more the right path is what I'm going for from now on 
I'm walking through the open doors and leaving the closed doors closed
Leaning and following in God's footsteps
He is who I rep
I admit I was a sinner in my younger years
Nobody's perfect 
I'm doing my hardest to be and stay a saint because that's what God made me up to be and I won't let him down I'm standing up and being proud

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