tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 35800
contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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  4 star general
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Total poems - 365 days   18
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A dark cloud in the sky following me everyday

I pray to God to make a new day

Tears coming from my eyes every waking day

bcuz of what people say bout me

i just need to get up from my knees and

feel free

I hate it when people don't care bout my needs and wants

i don't even know where to start

i'm sick of people expecting me to do things for them

and i get nothing in return

but i put myself in the Lord

I learned from my mistakes

but i keep crawling up in a ball and fading away

i put on a happy face but that's all a waste

i'm just seeking Christ glory that's all i have on my plate

i'm being a bigger person in life

i'm standing up and fight

i'm crying out crying out for help

and i learned that some people only think about themselves

and running for me for help

but i'm done with that

now i'm patting myself on the back

there's no point on trying to express myself to people and won't

work i feel like i'm at the bottom of depression feel like i choked and it's no joke.

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