G.Moore | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 318

Sitting behind this potion 

I close my eyes to better construct this poem


Ragged rivers rage beneath my ducts 

and roll into my pores to flush through sweat banks

Pigment pages sponges problems 

until my body becomes an inkwell of rowing thoughts 

and bloody hues of pain stain my canvas 

Title waves sound like well synchronized frequencies, 

rain flourishes on the phlegm of my irises

And all of this I could reveal but....

I don't think you'll ever understand the water

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Poetic Flex...One!

after vision says:

my poet, I understand the waters

poems by this commentor



LP45 says:

Deep. Very deep. Great flow also. Thanks for the share.

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