Te'ArraPoetry | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
I'm not heartless I've just learned to use my heart less.

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I Crave For You're Touch



Views: 343
In my sleep I fantasize about you, between my thighs tasting and enjoying me. Touching and licking me, saying babe you got my heart in a knot. Moving full speed, i wish you was laying next to me, holding me, like I'm you're dream catcher. I just want you to think of me that way too. My heart can't live, cause you're face keep drowning my vision. Babe come on home, and be my lover boy you used to be. Cause my mind is in a zone, And my body is in a horror cone. So come relaxe my desire, and sexually release my craving.

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tiffanyr says:

Nice poem

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