2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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'Tis a Daze Before Christmas


just different

Views: 568

'Tis a Daze Before Christmas


It's about 2b crazed in them days fore Christmas

All Saints followed on Twitter postings from Halloween

Between pay days, Black Fridays bleed pockets' green to red

All types of financing is burgeoning, at least that's what economist said...


Fattening eyes bigger than overpriced pork bellies is how we be fed

Misled by them meds that keep us sleepwalking in stores for comfort instead

Cyber hopping forms of shopping, while our identity is checked by drones

Waiting  2b enlightened on long lines for phones, so we can text folks next door


All the while secular children get into the spirit of wanting and taking

Illiterate souls we be, when we stop caring in and for one another living outdoors

Blazing trails to corner stores to recharge batteries for our new Hoverboards

Heavy lifting of packages that ain't yours, left out unopened like holy decorations


It's another holiday seasoned in depth deception, tinge(d) by white perception

As reruns, reiterate lies positioned as reality TV sweeps and revenue is churned

Learned in spending to make others believe in the cheer we leading 2b reborn

Bills come due and unnecessary gifts returned, forced to live in mangers by 3 Kings


New Years unfold as counters trade stock in fabricated commerce of mass appeals

Out in the cold as a new daze looks back over what has been sold, hoping 2b black

Fact is fiction believing gluttony is delivering us into being upstanding human beings

So what are we really achieving in believing in status quo inequality on Christmas evening???



Peaceful & Meaningful Thoughts Always!

Happy Kwanza


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mrmelody7 says:

Covered a lot of ground the homeless thing gets me also the day of glutton nice common sense things many don't see, good one to start and end the year, Christmas wont be merry for many and God bless the troops in danger far from home, 2bsure number one commenttator
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Well penned my Brother. Another day for Wall St. mongers! They having "X" out the "mas", I pray that the ancestors smile upon you and yours during the week of Kwanza. Peace and Love, Brother M. Lowe.
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2b2b2 says:


Kavindra says:

Love it !

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2b2b2 says:

Thank you kindly Kavindra

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